List of universities and academies qualified to participate in the 11th International Festival of Puppetry Schools PUPPETNOPUPPET 2024:

  1. Kyiv National Ivan Karpovich Karpenko-Kary University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, UKRAINE
  2. Dnipro Professional Theatre and Art College of Culture, UKRAINE
  3. Dimitry Academy, program MA of Arts in Theatre Verscio, SWITZERLAND
  4. The Stanisław Wyspiański National Academy of Theatre Arts in Cracow, Branch Campus in Wroclaw, POLAND
  5. The State University of Music and Performing Arts, Figurentheatre Department, Stuttgart, GERMANY
  6. The Academy of Performing Arts, Theatre Faculty, Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
  7. Academy of Performing Arts, Theatre Faculty, Department of Puppetry, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA