Na grafice z lewej strony flaga Unii Europejskiej - 12 białych gwiazdek na granatowym tle, z prawej strony granatowy napis w języku angielskim: Funded by the European Union.



KA-171 – call 2023 – cooperation with partner countries 

Application – students
Application – teachers / staff

The Academy rules for the mobilities within KA-171 call 2023 – outgoing student/staff (Download Docx, 57,4 kB)

The Academy rules for the mobilities within KA-171 call 2023 – incoming student/staff (Download Docx, 2,18 mB) 

Regulamin przyznawania dofinansowania w przypadku podróży „green travel” – w ramach projektu KA-171 konkurs wniosków 2023 (Do pobrania Docx, 3,23 mB)

Regulations for granting subsidies in the case of “green travel” – under the KA-171 project, call for proposal 2023 (Download Docx, 3,23 mB)

Warunki dofinansowania do mobilności osób z mniejszymi szansami – dofinansowanie w formie kosztów rzeczywistych – KA-171 z 2023 (Do pobrania Docx, 4,00 mB)

Information on the processing the personal data (Download Docx, 25,3 kB) 

List of bilateral agreements with the higher education institutions in partner countries – KA-171 cal 2023

Lista uczelni z krajów partnerskich – KA-171 – konkurs wniosków 2023

Fact Sheet – Information Data for Incoming Students/Pedagogues – KA-171 (Download PDF, 192 kB)

Erasmus Student Charter (Download PDF, 476 kB)

Karta Studenta Erasmusa (Do pobrania PDF, 497 kB)

A Student’s Guide in Poland (guidebook prepared thanks to the collaboration of the ESN Poland, Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP) and the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE)) (Download PDF, 8,53 mB)

Rector’s order – ECTS grading scale conversion [external link]

Course catalogue for 2024/2025
Polish speaking students may choose courses from the full degree programme (including theoretical courses):
The course syllabus (course description, information about what expected from students, requirements, assignments) can be found in USOS – University System for Student Services  [external link]
Browse by course code or course name in Polish or English.
Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie

Monika Rettner
e-mail: monika.rettner(at)
tel. +48 22 635 96 22 w. 165
Anna Chowaniec
e-mail: anna.chowaniec(at)
tel. +48 22 635 96 22 w. 165
Akademia Teatralna w Warszawie, Filia w Białystoku
Paulina Matusiak
e-mail: paulina.matusiak(at)
tel. +48 85 743 50 86
biuro czynne od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 8.00 – 16.00


Sfinansowane ze środków UE. Wyrażone poglądy i opinie są jedynie opiniami autora lub autorów i niekoniecznie odzwierciedlają poglądy i opinie Unii Europejskiej lub Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji – Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus+ i Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności. Unia Europejska ani podmiot udzielający dotacji nie ponoszą za nie odpowiedzialności.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE)  – National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme and the European Solidarity Corps. Neither the European Union nor the entity providing the grant can be held responsible for them.



Organization of the academic year 2023/2024 (Download Docx, 2,12 mB)
Course catalogue for 2023/2024
Course catalogue 2023/2024 – Acting, specialization puppet theatre acting (Download Docx, 39,1 kB)
Course catalogue 2023/2024 – Directing, specialization puppet theatre directing (Download Docx, 46,8 kB)
Course catalogue 2023/2024 – Puppet theatre technology (Download Docx, 45,5 kB)
Description of the courses 2023/2024 (Download Docx, 4,44 mB)

Polish speaking students may choose courses from the full degree programme (including theoretical courses):